Thanks for stopping by –We’re glad to meet you
Here is how we meet with others:
Our groups connect almost daily throughout the Walla Walla Valley and Blue Mountain Region in homes, parks, coffee shops and training centers.
We’d love to have you join us at our next gathering!
Connect with one of our locations listed by cell, text or email so we can meet you in person.
Can we help with something?
Please reach out via email or send us a message using the form below!
Pastor Jeff Hall and Jerilynn Hall
God has called us to the Pacific Northwest. Our Prayer and burden is specifically to see laborers developed and activated into the kingdom in every community as a lighthouse for Christ.
If your life doesn’t look like the book of Acts, and the powerful works we read from the New Testament are not active in your community, then its Gods will that you are equipped and the TRUE CHURCH of God is established there to function as He intended it.
We at HCM, are committed to the Great Commission of seeing Gods plan become a reality in the life of every believer in every community across the P.N.W. Mark 16:17-18
contact us for various times and locations